After the Lockdown
This bio attack on India will pass by. Damage will be done, lessons will be learnt and we will carry on with resilience. The following suggestions will help the country to come out of the lockdown in a better manner. 1) Continue with Community Kitchens The lockdown has showed that the lower economic strata struggles when it comes to basic essentials and food. What the middle and upper economic strata take for granted, is a daily fight for those from the lower economic strata. Post lockdown NGOs, civil society groups, companies should carry on with their lockdown activities of providing ready to eat meals to all those in need. This should be done for at least six months, which will give the people in the needy strata enough time to bring back their lives to normal. After six months, we can review the benefits and costs of these community kitchens during and post lockdown. The Govt can provide grains direct from FCI godowns to those organisations pro...